Contemporary music in all its disparate forms is the exclusive preserve of the Berlin based European Music Project (EMP) ensemble. All members of the ensemble are soloists with vast experience in classical ensemble performances along with improvisation and experimental styles. The EMP is synonymous with innovative programme concepts, elaborate presentation techniques and a philosophy of engaging with a wide variety of audiences. Many of its projects are developed in collaboration with artists from the fields of dance, visual arts and literature.
EMP draws parallels – between classical modernism and the present day, between chamber music and club sounds. Its music is set against the backdrop of a world in a state of flux and the ensuing cultural and social challenges. EMP experiments with different spatial, sound and performance concepts, threading the boundaries between concert performances, ritualism, installation, staging and spontaneity. The ensemble has a varying constellation, ranging from small groups to a full chamber ensemble with singers and other performers.
EMP is ensemble-in-residende at the festival for contemporary music KlangHaus in Ulm.

Permanent Members:

Anna Clementi, voice
Antonis Anissegos, keyboards
Wolfgang Bender & Salma Sadek, violins
Miriam Goetting, viola
Mathis Mayr, cello
Adam Goodwin, doublebass

Juergen Groezinger, director / percussion

Two things, at least, were remarkable about the performance of my ‚I sonetti lussuriosi‘ in Ulm: first that Jurgen Groezinger (…) was sophisticated enough to include a work as controversial as this erotic song cycle and secondly, and more importantly, that the performance by the European Music Project was as authentic as anything I could have hoped for. And the passion and accuracy of the singing of Maria Rosendorfsky was nothing short of revelatory. I look forward to working with all these musicians again as soon and as regularly as possible.
– Michael Nyman, Composer

„This is a piece of music that helped change history: the philosopher’s stone of early minimalism, or „systems music“. A new recording by the European Music Project (…) on the Wergo label brings the work to life in a way that was impossible for its first performers and listeners. I know the work well, and once hoped to produce a recording of it. My first response was jealousy: this is the album I should have made, if only I’d got my act together! So my opinions are subjective. But I can say that this version is made with a great deal of respect and care, using technology to bring out qualities in the piece that have been hard to fathom in earlier versions, including the debut recording for Columbia Masterworks, an odd recording by the Shanghai Film Orchestra and an all- star bash on New Albion. (…) .
– The Guardian, London / John L.Waters about EMP´s „Terry Riley – In C“ , WERGO

Grözinger setzt auf die Unmittelbarkeit musikalischer Erfahrung, auf Transfers, die sich aus dem programmatischen Zusammenhang erschließen. Er spannt Bögen zwischen verschiedenen Gattungen, Zeiten, ästhetischen Ideen, Philosophien. Er ist Spezialist der extravaganten Mixturen. Grözinger will junges Publikum mit einbeziehen und die Steifheit und Distanziertheit des Konzertbetriebs überwinden.
– Rainer Schlenz (SWR 2 / deutschlandfunk)

Aus den vielen Klangtropfen wird ein Klangstrom, der einen enormen Sog hervorruft, wenn der Hörer sich darauf einlässt. Joachim Glasstetter und Jürgen Grözinger haben nun mit dem Ensemble European Music Project dieses Pulsieren gut eine Stunde lang bravourös nei interpretiert. In keiner gut sortierten CD-Sammlung sollte Rileys Minimal-Urknall „In C“ fehlen.“
– Der Spiegel /KulturSpiegel

Das was Jürgen Grözinger tut, ist doch, abseits des Mainstream zu versuchen, ein Publikum anzusprechen, das nicht zum engeren Kreis der Neue-Musik-Hörer gehört. Das gelingt ihm außerordentlich gut. (…)
– Rolf W. Stoll, WERGO, Schott-Musik

Grözinger pflegt nicht nur ein eng umgrenztes Gärtlein, sondern agiert querbeet und durch – wandert die große weite Welt der Musik mit offenen Ohren, immer bereit, neue Erfahrungen zu machen.
– Neue Zeitschrift für Musik

EMP is recently supported by: